wild pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Your pheromones are driving me wild.

  2. 2. Hide in the kitchen, hide in the hall Ain't gonna do you no good at all 'Cause once I catch ya and the kissin' starts A team o' wild horses couldn't tear us apart

  3. 3. I don't normally sow wild oats, but for you I'd make an exception.

  4. 4. Are you farm raised or do you need to be wild-caught?

  5. 5. Let's go identify wild plants in the forest.

  6. 6. You must be Artemis, cause just looking makes me buck wild.

  7. 7. Cuz we about to get Wet n' Wild (this is probably buried somewhere else but i thought of it in my bed and it was hilarious to me)

  8. 8. Good thing I’ve got travel insurance, ’cause things are about to get wild.

  9. 9. I'm fast, wild, and fun. And when people ride me, they scream~

  10. 10. Are you a wild-life photographer? Because I think you can picture me *lion* in your bed tonight

  11. 11. Because I've got a wild snake and I need you to catch it.

  12. 12. Bitches running wild these days.

  13. 13. Until they tell me they're pregnant ... What's your name ?

  14. 14. Bcause i don't put the D in raw. I use protection. Shit's wild out here.

  15. 15. Because I wanna see how wild you can get on autopilot.

  16. 16. just take me to bed.

  17. 17. I was born in the wild but for you I would be domesticated.

  18. 18. I've got some new rubbers, so it's ok to sow my wild oats if it gets too wet in the field.

  19. 19. Cause you take my Breath away and drive me Wild!

  20. 20. You: “If you’re gonna go, at least go wild with me”

  21. 21. ‘Cause baby we’re gonna go for a wild ride

  22. 22. I hope you have some ranks in handle animal because it's about to get wild.

  23. 23. You remind me of my edges because you about to get legged

  24. 24. Girl: No. You: I’ll see you tomorrow.

  25. 25. They wouldn't really like this you know the interracial thing, but all I gotta say is black cards matter

  26. 26. Break me off a piece of their ambiguous mixed booty

  27. 27. Because you making me go wild

  28. 28. I can turn into a bear.

  29. 29. Didn’t I see you in Girls Gone Wild?

  30. 30. Want to go for a wild ride baby? I'm a bottom.

  31. 31. You're wild, but I'd never White Fang you.

  32. 32. I see you're into anarchy. I'd love to get wild with you.

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