imagine pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Then you're the best thing I've ever come up with

  2. 2. I’m a firefighter... I run into burning buildings to save complete strangers, imagine what I would do for you.

  3. 3. Hey baby, if I supply the voltage and you some resistance, imagine the current we can make together.

  4. 4. Imagine draggin deez nuts across your face

  5. 5. For best effect imagine Matt Berry is saying this

  6. 6. If so, your the best thing i could ever think up

  7. 7. Because I can imagine building a family with you

  8. 8. You remind me of my pinky toe because I’m going to bang you on every piece of furniture imaginable.

  9. 9. Cause I can imagine building a relationship with ya.

  10. 10. Because you look like you're straight out of my imagination.

  11. 11. Well i would rather imagine us two together

  12. 12. Imagine what i can do with two!

  13. 13. They say reality is often disappointing Then whose imagination are you?

  14. 14. Cause Imagine Draggon’ these nuts across your face!

  15. 15. Ladies if you saw how good I take care of my yards, just imagine how I'd take care of your heart.

  16. 16. And it was the bleakest 10 seconds of my life .

  17. 17. “I just made you come with one finger, imagine two ;)

  18. 18. I can't imagine anyone cuter than you

  19. 19. Imagine it's 1775 & if you ride with me the british won't be the only ones coming tonight.

  20. 20. Because they say he appears as the most attractive thing man can imagine?

  21. 21. You: have you ever had a fear about everything you see is your imagination Girl: (no or yes) how about you? You: I'm not sure about me but if it was your the best thing I could come up with

  22. 22. Imagine how many matches you would get if you put this as your tinder bio.

  23. 23. Imagine dragon these nuts across your face

  24. 24. NAH, just playin'. Let's get some pizza and go to the arcade!

  25. 25. If I can open a mazapan without breaking it, imagine how I can handle your heart.

  26. 26. I live in the bay area: "Just imagine I'm white, rich, and has the body of your dreams. Now swipe right."

  27. 27. I made you come with one finger now imagine two :D

  28. 28. I made you come with one finger now imagine two ;)...

  29. 29. Babe, I won't just be powering your imagination, I will power your whole avatar.

  30. 30. Babe, my imagination is not the only thing you are powering.

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