shoes pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey baby, take off those shoes and belt and get comfortable.

  2. 2. Nice shoes, wanna f**k?

  3. 3. Dang Girl! I like the way your spikes match your shoes.

  4. 4. Take off those blue suede shoes and let's shake rattle n roll!

  5. 5. You are more precious than my blue suede shoes.

  6. 6. Is that an explosive device in your shoe or are you just happy to see me?

  7. 7. Because I can't have you fall for anyone else.

  8. 8. I don't want you falling for anyone else.

  9. 9. Probably been posted before but this a fucking clean ass line Hey tie your shoes cause I don’t want you falling for anyone else

  10. 10. Don’t mind me; people think that I’m a clown. Just watch out for these large shoes and the big horn in my pocket.

  11. 11. I'm glad you are wearing non-slip shoes, because if you come home with me it's gonna get real wet.

  12. 12. My body is a temple, so make sure you take your shoes off before you come in.

  13. 13. Hey. I like your new-old shoes.

  14. 14. But its too late now, im already falling for you

  15. 15. Nice shoes. Wanna screw?

  16. 16. Hey I love your shoes. You know they would look even better if they were running alongside me.

  17. 17. Does the sleeve match the shoes?

  18. 18. Allow me to tie your shoes. I don’t want to risk you falling for someone else.

  19. 19. Me without you is like a nerd without braces, a shoe without a laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.

  20. 20. I don’t want you falling for anyone else.

  21. 21. But it'll look better when you step into my life

  22. 22. Hold up, let me tie my shoe... I don't want to fall for anyone else but you.

  23. 23. Because I need you to step on me

  24. 24. Coz you've been running through my mind since the day I met you.

  25. 25. Cause I wanna tap that.

  26. 26. What size shoe you wear baby girl? I'm gonna guess size sexy!

  27. 27. Sorry, I get nervous around girls and diverted my eyes to your feet.

  28. 28. Bc I think I'm fallimg for you

  29. 29. "finally, a shoe fit for my third leg!"

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