hint pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey, do you know how many planets are in our solar system? I'll give you a hint, there's only gonna be 7 left once I destroy Uranus.

  2. 2. And when I hit "password hint" it keeps telling me "*her name* phone number", think you can help me out?

  3. 3. "Maybe you can help me. I forgot the password to my account, and when I hit 'password hint,' it keeps telling me 'Jessica’s phone number.'"

  4. 4. Here I'll give you a hint... It ends in "man" ... Your man

  5. 5. Because I’ve been having this log in problem... I forgot my password and every time I click hint it just says “*Person’s* phone number”

  6. 6. Do you get a hint of almond in this Keemun? No? That’s odd, because I’m nuts about you.

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