watermelon pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I want to crack you open like that watermelon.

  2. 2. Because if I was Gallagher, I'd be hammering you all night long.

  3. 3. Would you spit or swallow my seed?

  4. 4. If I'm a watermelon, would you swallow or spit out my seed?

  5. 5. Would you spit or swallow my seeds?

  6. 6. Do you spit or swallow your watermelon seeds?

  7. 7. Hi

  8. 8. You are as rare as finding a watermelon without pits.

  9. 9. Because I’d smash that.

  10. 10. ... Well? ...

  11. 11. I like my woman like how I like my watermelon – sweet and juicy.

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