corona virus pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. But I’m just here catching feelings for you

  2. 2. Cause I want you to go down

  3. 3. Cause you look breathtaking!

  4. 4. Cuz the virus dies at high temperatures and you are HOT!

  5. 5. 19 and easily spread.

  6. 6. Cause i can't stop looking atchoo

  7. 7. Cause I don't have you

  8. 8. Im just trynna spread your cheeks

  9. 9. May I?

  10. 10. Because youre breathtaking

  11. 11. Hey, are you corona virus? Because I can’t wait to have you and bring you home to my parents

  12. 12. Because I can’t believe you are real

  13. 13. Because you just took my breath away ;)

  14. 14. Hey are you America during the quarantine, cause I can't seem to stay 6 feet apart

  15. 15. Cuz i want to take you out.

  16. 16. I wanna to be your Sanitizer

  17. 17. I wanna travel to you to get in you

  18. 18. Cause you take me breath away.

  19. 19. Can I?

  20. 20. Wanna play Corona virus and get spread on hard surfaces?

  21. 21. Are you the corona virus because I get breathless when I catch you

  22. 22. Because I can't stop looking achoo.

  23. 23. Cos your smile is infectious. Corona virus

  24. 24. Can i

  25. 25. Because I want you inside me

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