phone number pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?

  2. 2. Do you know what rhymes with cucumber? Girl:What? Can I get your phone number?

  3. 3. How do I know many hundreds of digits of pi greek and not the 7 digits of your phone number?

  4. 4. How can I know so many hundreds of digits of pi and not the 10 digits of your phone number?

  5. 5. Can I have your phone number so I can protect your digits from the cold?

  6. 6. Something’s wrong with my phone, it doesn’t have your number.

  7. 7. That’s a beautiful dog. Does she have a phone number?

  8. 8. Give me you cell phone number, I will call you when I need another drink.

  9. 9. Speak, friend, and enter... your number in my phone.

  10. 10. Order fire, two shots of tequilla and your phone number.

  11. 11. And when I hit "password hint" it keeps telling me "*her name* phone number", think you can help me out?

  12. 12. Error 404: Your number in my phone not found!

  13. 13. I think you might have it

  14. 14. If you had the same amount of money of your phone number.. How much would that be?

  15. 15. So, are you going to give me your phone number, or am I going to have to stalk you?

  16. 16. My golf number may not be that good but my phone number sure is!

  17. 17. Hey, I just got my flight number. I'm just missing your phone number.

  18. 18. I’m going to need your name and phone number for insurance purposes

  19. 19. You: Your phone number cause I kinda want it

  20. 20. Can you help me with a math problem? I need to solve for x, where x= your phone number.

  21. 21. I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?

  22. 22. Can I also deposit my number into your phone?

  23. 23. What phone number should I use?

  24. 24. I’ve got my flight number but I can’t find your phone number.

  25. 25. How much would it be?

  26. 26. I love numbers, can I have your phone numbers?

  27. 27. But it'd look perfect with your number in it.

  28. 28. It’s a phone book. I just need your number and I’m done.

  29. 29. You're that lady who's number isn't in my phone yet.

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