psychology pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause you're making me drool.

  2. 2. You can be bad cop all you want.

  3. 3. Who needs drugs that will stimulate dopamine transmission when simply being with you does the trick.

  4. 4. You make my dopamine levels go all silly.

  5. 5. Girl you flood my dopamine neurotransmitters.

  6. 6. If you were a drug you'd be a stimulant because you make my heart beat faster.

  7. 7. According to the Similarity Attraction Effect, I must be attractive because you're beautiful.

  8. 8. Has the mere-exposure effect kicked in yet, or do I need to spam more of your instagram pictures?

  9. 9. or is this just an unconditioned response?

  10. 10. Our love is like the duration of long-term memory: it is infinity.

  11. 11. Because you leave me speechless.

  12. 12. You are my belongingness to my Maslow's Humanistic Theory based on the Hierarchy of needs.

  13. 13. You must be ovulating!

  14. 14. Girl, I know you're studying psychology, but I would love to study you.

  15. 15. Is your name chocolate, bc you make my seratonin levels rise and give me a sense of pleasure.

  16. 16. You raise my oxytocin levels.

  17. 17. Because you made my heart skip a beat!

  18. 18. Let me Freudian slip into you tonight.

  19. 19. Why don't you let me put my myelin on your axon for the night?

  20. 20. You put me in an altered state of consciousness.

  21. 21. Don't mind me observing you, I'm just doing some case study.

  22. 22. Baby are you tired because you've been running through my reticular formation all day.

  23. 23. I'm not feeling myself today, may I feel you?

  24. 24. I'll be the neurotransmitter to your synaptic gap.

  25. 25. because baby I'm delusional about you.

  26. 26. Are you my corpus callosum? Because I feel a connection between the two of us.

  27. 27. Girl you make me want more cardiac muscarinic receptors.

  28. 28. Even when I can't see you face-to-face, you are always in my visuospatial sketchpad.

  29. 29. You activate my nucelus accumbens like no other.

  30. 30. Boy, you activate my ventral striatum.

  31. 31. You remind me of my mom.

  32. 32. So do you have an oral or an fixation?

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