slam desk pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I want to slam you on the desk, promise to do you all night long, get distracted, last 2 minutes, cry, turn on the tv and continue to hate myself for another weak performance

  2. 2. Slam you on a desk and do you all night long.

  3. 3. You're like my homework. I'll slam you on my desk and do you all night.

  4. 4. I'd do you everyday, slam you on my desk

  5. 5. Cause I wanna slam you on the desk talk about doing you for hours only to last seven minutes and cry myself to sleep

  6. 6. Cause I wanna slam you on my desk, forget about you, do you hard for 2 minutes, give up, and then cry about my performance

  7. 7. Because I'll slam you on my desk and do you all night.

  8. 8. And her nickname is Dottie. DAAMN girl are you a ballot? Because I'm about to slam you on a desk and I won't stop till all of your dots are filled.

  9. 9. Cuz i wanna slam you on my desk, and do you all night long

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