nervous pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I know you aren't here for me but I'm going to act all nervous anyway.

  2. 2. Because you are probably not here for me, but I will act nervous anyway.

  3. 3. Because you’re making me really nervous and I’d love to watch you go down

  4. 4. Hey babe did it hurt when you had that gross tracking worm thing ripped out of your bellybutton? Because I'm nervous...

  5. 5. Because I'm nervous about going in, but it's worth it for a child.

  6. 6. I hope you like feeling empowered because you're making me nervous.

  7. 7. Are you a functioning autonomic nervous system.. cause you're out of my league.

  8. 8. But, all my systems are nervous when I'm around you.

  9. 9. You kick my sympathetic nervous system into overdrive!

  10. 10. Cause you're hot and I'm getting nervous.

  11. 11. Because you’re hot and I’m getting nervous.

  12. 12. Cause you're super hot and you're making me kinda nervous

  13. 13. I ordered a beer because talking to you made me nervous as hell. Please, terrify me again at your earliest convenience.

  14. 14. Sorry, I get nervous around girls and diverted my eyes to your feet.

  15. 15. No matter how many times I travel back in time to this moment I always get nervous about talking to you.

  16. 16. I get nervous when I fly; do you mind if I hold your hand?

  17. 17. Because I'm too nervous to even speak to you...

  18. 18. Hey baby are you the bottom of my laptop? Cause you’re hot and I’m nervous

  19. 19. Hey boy, are you an Uber Pool? Cause I love when it's just us, but I'm also nervous someone else may come in and ruin this.

  20. 20. I have a bit of atractophobia, it means im afraid of attractive people like u

  21. 21. What's the best, funny comeback for this pickup line?

  22. 22. Coz I know you aren't here for me but I am still kinda nervous

  23. 23. You're like baseball: You make me all nervous and then nothing happens.

  24. 24. Why am I nervous about talking to you? Because you're better than I deserve.

  25. 25. Hey, I need your opinion- I’m going on a blind date with a girl and I’m nervous. Are there any tips you can give me so I don’t look like an idiot

  26. 26. You're so hot it makes me nervous. The hair on my arms are standing up, but not the hair on my head. Hey, have you ever made out with a powdered wig?

  27. 27. Talking to you makes me feel like a first time homebuyer – nervous and excited.

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