raid pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. The first time I saw thee, I felt as if my stomach had been raided by beautiful fire breathing dragons. a nice way of course.

  2. 2. Cause I want to raid your drawers at 3am.

  3. 3. But you could help me clap some alien cheeks, because that ass is outta this world.

  4. 4. Then let me be Indiana Jones and raid you

  5. 5. Are you a level 3 warrior? Cause I'll let you raid my village.

  6. 6. Cuz i wanna raid you

  7. 7. All these barbarians but I still couldn't raid your heart.

  8. 8. The only tomb I'm raiding is yours.

  9. 9. I'll raid your lost ark.

  10. 10. Nice chest piece, wanna raid?

  11. 11. Hey baby. Whaddya say we go back to my place and i raid those full collectors of yours?

  12. 12. Screw Area 51 On September 20, 2019, im gonna raid your heart.

  13. 13. Cause I want to raid you.

  14. 14. Are you a level 3 warrior? Because I'll let you raid my village.

  15. 15. Hey, Lara. Can I raid your tomb?

  16. 16. Can I raid your molten core?

  17. 17. I'd raid your dungeon.

  18. 18. Want me to raid your tomb?

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