note pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Cause you made my ️

  2. 2. I want to see you outside English — you take the best notes in the whole class.

  3. 3. Middle C is a great note, I'd love to play between your staffs.

  4. 4. A trumpet isn’t the only thing I can make scream high notes.

  5. 5. Hey, are you that high note I couldn't hit at callbacks? Cause I can't stop thinking about you.

  6. 6. I want to make you hit a high note.

  7. 7. You give my dick a bigger hitbox

  8. 8. Looks like you’re giving my dick a bigger hitbox

  9. 9. Because I’ve been your seeker, I want to be your keeper, and i fantasize about being your beater Note that this is just an idea and this isn’t what I actually want in life

  10. 10. If I wait any longer with an icebreaker, the ice would be melted by now (Worked for me) Note: it's translated from dutch, so it might not be the best

  11. 11. Anyone haves clever short lines for a valentine's note?

  12. 12. No? Do you want to be? (Note: the one time I pulled this line on a girl, she actually was a single mother. Much backpedaling ensued)

  13. 13. Cuz you got a sweet ass(note: I saw this in a comic, but I wanted it to be known)

  14. 14. Cause I wanna k-k-kiss you Please note, works best if you have a speech impediment Also note DOES NOT work if you don't have a speech impediment and THEY DO

  15. 15. Will your adjust your note and resolve my raised member?

  16. 16. Because I want to hold it. (Non-music nerds: fermata = music thing that means hold a note) Nerdy

  17. 17. Hey, patch notes came in. You make my dick’s hit box larger

  18. 18. My dick has a bigger hit box now

  19. 19. Because I can see myself inside you On another note anyone got a pickup line for a girl named Lindsey or Linda?

  20. 20. Note: Idk why I put the Burger King instead of King maybe it just sounds more realistic and plus it can be used to extend the pickup line

  21. 21. You give my dick a bigger hit box

  22. 22. I’m gonna make you hit a high note.

  23. 23. You were the only one I heard hit that high note at the '49!

  24. 24. I missed class last time, do you have the notes?

  25. 25. I'll let you use my Death Note if you go on a date with me.

  26. 26. Are you my Acdec notes? Because I want to go over you over and over again.

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