gemstone pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Baby, are you an aquamarine crystal ball? Because I can see myself in you.

  2. 2. I need a red garnet stone to help cure my heart palpitations from looking at you.

  3. 3. My love for you is like a garnet – eternally.

  4. 4. Please accept this Kunzite stone, because it represents my eternal love for you.

  5. 5. Are you an Amber? Because I want to be inside you like the mosquito in Jurassic Park.

  6. 6. Are you an amethyst? Because I need you to control my evil thoughts.

  7. 7. Is your birthday in February? Because you are an amethyst.

  8. 8. Because you look like a rare gem I want to collect. (A lapidary is someone who looks for gemstones and stuff like that)

  9. 9. A kiss upon the hand of someone you truly love, is more beautiful, and more valuable than any diamond or gem could ever be.

  10. 10. Are you a ruby? Because you are both beautiful and intelligent.

  11. 11. Are you an Amber? Because I want to be inside you like the masquito in Jurassic Park.

  12. 12. Are you an amethyst? Because I need you to contorl my evil thoughts.

  13. 13. Baby, you are like alexandrite, because you are beautiful under all different lighting.

  14. 14. Hey baby, what is your birthstone?

  15. 15. I must be a diamond now, because you just gave me a hardness of 10

  16. 16. I think God took an emerald stone and made your eyes out of it.

  17. 17. I think God took the pigment out of an aquamarine and put it in your eyes.

  18. 18. If I can be a gemstone, I would be a garnet, so you can wear me to keep you health.

  19. 19. Is your birthday in April? Because you are a diamond.

  20. 20. Is your birthday in August? Because you are a peridot.

  21. 21. Is your birthday in December? Because a zircon.

  22. 22. Is your birthday in January? Because you are a garnet.

  23. 23. Is your birthday in July? Because you are hot like a ruby.

  24. 24. Is your birthday in March? Because you are an aquamarine.

  25. 25. Is your birthday in May? Because you are an emerald.

  26. 26. Is your birthday in November? Because you are a topaz.

  27. 27. Is your birthday in October? Because you are a tourmaline.

  28. 28. Is your birthday in September? Because you are a sapphire.

  29. 29. Ruby are red. Sapphire are blue. You are a gem that is hard to find.

  30. 30. You are a diamond, but I bet I could break you.

  31. 31. You are flawless like a diamond.

  32. 32. You have some nice jewellery.

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