green pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Your eyes are the beautiful green of a sealed ziploc bag.

  2. 2. Pinch me..I'm not wearing green.

  3. 3. Will you be my green pig? Cos I just wanna smash into you.

  4. 4. Since you are kind of hideous, and electricity isn't Green, let's turn these lights off, baby.

  5. 5. I'm wearing green pants...

  6. 6. I'm wearing green, you're wearing green, we have so much in common we should go out sometime.

  7. 7. Of course I believe in safe green sex. My condoms are compost friendly, baby.

  8. 8. I remember when drinking green beer was cool.

  9. 9. Because green eggs and damnnnnn

  10. 10. Because green eggs and DAMN!!!

  11. 11. Would you like to see my house? Would you like to unbutton my blouse? Would you like to grazzle my flam? And in the morning, green eggs and ham!

  12. 12. I wear green underwear so people pinch me and then I have an excuse to show them my underwear.

  13. 13. Forget the wearing of green—let’s go right to the wearing of you like a hat!

  14. 14. Are you a Green Mage? Because you just gave me a Giant Growth.

  15. 15. Let’s build a house, and put our beds together

  16. 16. I love your legs and what's in between.

  17. 17. I'll be the six if you'll be the nine

  18. 18. Roses are red, pickles are green, I like your legs and what's in between!

  19. 19. I guess I'm wearing green today.

  20. 20. Once you go green, you'll never choose anything in between baby.

  21. 21. Hi am Hulk, make me angry and I go green baby!

  22. 22. How green is your valley, baby?

  23. 23. I wanna paint you green and spank you like a disobedient avocado.

  24. 24. Your eyes are as green as the weed I’m smoking.

  25. 25. Hey baby, I have a green card.

  26. 26. Can I put my green arrow in your quiver?

  27. 27. I see your favorite color is green, too!

  28. 28. Roses are red pickles are green I like your legs and whats in between

  29. 29. Baby, I'm like Green Arrow, I never miss my target.

  30. 30. You're short, ginger, and wearing green. You're basically a leprechaun.

  31. 31. You are as pretty as a Green card.

  32. 32. I want you in my bed, if u know what I mean

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