hindu pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey girl, are you a cow? Cause I wanna worship dat body!

  2. 2. Hey girl! I am from your caste but different gotra.

  3. 3. We are the reincarnated souls of two past lovers. Its our destiny to be together, you just dont remember our past life together.

  4. 4. I don't smoke dope. I don't drink bourbon. All I want to do is shake my turban.

  5. 5. Wet, dirty, and constantly moving.

  6. 6. Hey there that's a nice cast you got there.

  7. 7. Hey girl, I know you already got an atman, but I could be your it-man.

  8. 8. By the many arms of Vishnu, I want to stick it in your butt.

  9. 9. Hey baby doll! Want to have four kids with me?

  10. 10. The way you tie your turban gets me overwhelmed.

  11. 11. My body is a temple, so make sure you take your shoes off before you come in.

  12. 12. That saree looks very nice on you. It would look even better off of you.

  13. 13. Do you have a little Atman in you? Want to?

  14. 14. Are you a Shiite? Because when I saw you, I said to myself, "She aiiight.

  15. 15. Tell me, did it hurt when you fell from reincarnation?

  16. 16. So would you like to make 4 babies with me?

  17. 17. Baby you light up my diwali like nobody else.

  18. 18. Will you be the Laila to my Majnu?

  19. 19. Cuz I think I'm hin to you

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