water sport pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I'm not a very good swimmer, do you have any lifeguard experience?

  2. 2. You're so hot, the sun is jealous.

  3. 3. I barely noticed you in the winter months.

  4. 4. I want to get filthy dirty like we're Rio water.

  5. 5. Do you like water? Then you would like 70% of me.

  6. 6. Saw you working out hard so I bought you a water.

  7. 7. I don't know which is prettier today, the water, the sky or your eyes.

  8. 8. Nice beach balls, can I play?

  9. 9. Is your name Summer? Cause you are hot!

  10. 10. You should go in the water, cuz you're so hot you're on fire!

  11. 11. You hear that? The ocean wants you to join me for a drink.

  12. 12. Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic Ocean, and I'm lost at sea.

  13. 13. I feel like I'm in Scandinavia, because when I'm with you its's like the sun never sets.

  14. 14. Hey baby, the sun isn't the only thing that rises.

  15. 15. Nice bobbers!

  16. 16. Have you ever driven a boat? Try to park it on my dock.

  17. 17. Hey baby, wanna go for a ride on my big dinghy

  18. 18. Would you like to sip on a margarita laying on a boat watching a sunset on a calm night?

  19. 19. Now get out there and pick-up your boat race sweetie!

  20. 20. If you were a boat I would keep you in a garage.

  21. 21. Ay girl, I'd like to throw you on a trailer and haul you to the sea.

  22. 22. You'd make for some real smooth sailing

  23. 23. You rock my boat like captain crunch.

  24. 24. Baby, you've bought yourself a cruise on the Love Boat. I'll be your captain.

  25. 25. Boy: Have u ever been fishing before? Girl: Why? Boy: I think we should hook up!

  26. 26. I don't know if you've ever been fishing but I think we should hookup

  27. 27. I like hookers.

  28. 28. Do you prefer stiff or limp rods?

  29. 29. Hey ladies, which way to the beach?

  30. 30. Can i put my tackle in your box?

  31. 31. Excuse me, can you hold my rod?

  32. 32. You wanna come back, and see my minnows?

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