earth day pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I want to exploit you like an oil company.

  2. 2. Sex while wear in a condom is the most environmentally friendly thing you can do.

  3. 3. Inside you, I shall plant a tree. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

  4. 4. Did you know cuddling reduces pollution by 25%?

  5. 5. Have you been protesting? Cause all that angst & hate really turns me on!

  6. 6. That Phish tee shirt would look great on the floor of my tent.

  7. 7. I got you a recycled engagement ring to save our planet"s finite resources.

  8. 8. When I saw your beautiful face I soiled my pants - I didn't planet, honest.

  9. 9. If you can plant a tree, will you dig me?

  10. 10. Let’s treat your pants like the polar ice caps and make them disappear.

  11. 11. Like the moon, my thoughts revolve around you.

  12. 12. Let's head to the park so I can plant my tree.

  13. 13. I usually pick up trash, but today I want to pick up you.

  14. 14. Everyday is Earth Day for me baby.

  15. 15. Do you know where i can find a Hoe so i can plant my tool?

  16. 16. Oh excuse to brush against you with my shirt hemp , or am I?

  17. 17. Without you, there's a hole in the ozone layer of my heart!

  18. 18. If you believe in "wind power", this might require you getting your knees dirty.

  19. 19. Are you a South American region experiencing the El Nino climatic phenomenon, or are you always this hot?

  20. 20. Can I plant my tree in your rain forest?

  21. 21. Reuse. Seduce. Recycle.

  22. 22. Well, Earth is okay, but I think we should have a day to honor Uranus.

  23. 23. It is warm in here? Cuz you make me hotter than taxpayer-subsidized solar panels.

  24. 24. In honor of Earth Day, I'll rock your world.

  25. 25. In your eyes I see oceans, and one large floating trash pile.

  26. 26. I recycle everything, even my pick-up lines. So, let's make like a tree and leave.

  27. 27. Save the earth. Hug a me.

  28. 28. That chalupa really gave me greenhouse gas.

  29. 29. I'm experiencing a surge in global warming. In my pants.

  30. 30. I don't know what's hotter, you or Global Warming!

  31. 31. Hey baby, is you a tree? Cause I wanna hug you.

  32. 32. I’d like to the recycle the moment I first saw you over and over and over...

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