religion pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Do you go to Latin Mass before coming to the gym? Because your form is extraordinary.

  2. 2. Come back to my pad and I'll have you screaming Dawkins!

  3. 3. Are you the sacrament of Confirmation? Cause you complete me.

  4. 4. Jesus may not cum a second time but I sure can.

  5. 5. Hey darling, you make ordinary time extraordinary.

  6. 6. Hey girl you might not be perfect, but Jesus knows you are to die for.

  7. 7. I don't smoke dope. I don't drink bourbon. All I want to do is shake my turban.

  8. 8. Heaven must be missing an angel because angels never existed in the first place.

  9. 9. Hey boy, if I walk around you seven times, will you fall for me?

  10. 10. I know it’s absurd, but every time I walk toward you, it feels like I’m being led to Bethlehem.

  11. 11. I can’t believe how gorgeous you are! Or in God.

  12. 12. Hey gurl, is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you?

  13. 13. Cuz I wanna bless you with many children.

  14. 14. Is that a Pope hat in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  15. 15. Hey baby, wanna hear me talk at you for hours?

  16. 16. I hear god is watching, so let's give him a show.

  17. 17. Hey girl, I heard there aren't many married saints. How about we work on that together?

  18. 18. Hey there that's a nice cast you got there.

  19. 19. The top of my Christmas tree is missing a angel like you.

  20. 20. Can I have ur number so I can wake you up for fajr?

  21. 21. Hey babe can I become your mehram for the hajj?

  22. 22. Let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.

  23. 23. Hi dollface, wanna come uplines and let me park my throbbing spaceship in your steaming volcano?

  24. 24. I'll make you scream out "Gloria in excelsis Deo!"

  25. 25. When evolution made you, it was just showing off.

  26. 26. Looks like you need some laying on of hands for the commission of sin.

  27. 27. Are you Virtue? - Because you've been garnishing my thoughts unceasingly.

  28. 28. It is the spirit that tells you that you’re telling me?

  29. 29. Youre like the big bang that mother nature sent to me.

  30. 30. I want a minimum of 6 children and they will all be named after saints.

  31. 31. I'd march around you 7 times to tear your walls down.

  32. 32. Are you a monstrance? Cause I'm adoring the Christ in you.

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