homework pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Because I want to slam you on the desk, promise to do you all night long, get distracted, last 2 minutes, cry, turn on the tv and continue to hate myself for another weak performance

  2. 2. Because then I'd be hard and you'd be doing me on your desk.

  3. 3. Slam you on a desk and do you all night long.

  4. 4. You're like my homework. I'll slam you on my desk and do you all night.

  5. 5. Because then i would be hard and you would be doing me on your desk ;)

  6. 6. So I'd be hard and you'd do me all night on the desk

  7. 7. Because i want to subtract your clothes divide your legs and hope we dont multiply.

  8. 8. You’re the opposite of my homework in high school. "How?" I actually want to do you all night long.

  9. 9. ‘Cause I wanna throw you on the table and do you all night but I’ll give up two minutes in and start crying.

  10. 10. Never actually had the ball's to try it on a girl but anyone want to try go ahead

  11. 11. Baby, I'll treat you like my homework, slam you on the table, and do you all night long.

  12. 12. I can do your math homework for you...

  13. 13. Because I will think about you all week and do you at the last minute.

  14. 14. But I know that I should be

  15. 15. Are you homework? Because I wanna do you until i cry

  16. 16. Cause I’m not doing you, but I should be

  17. 17. Babe, I'll treat you like my homework, slam you down on the table and do you all night long!

  18. 18. Is your name homework? Cuz I'm not doing you and I should be.

  19. 19. Are you my homework? Cause I'm not doing you but I definitely should be.

  20. 20. Because I’m not doing you right now, but I should be.

  21. 21. Is you name Homework? 'Cause I'm not doing you, but I should be!

  22. 22. Because I wanna slam you on my table and do you all night long

  23. 23. Cuz I just have to do you.

  24. 24. But you're still first on my to do list

  25. 25. Cause I should be doing you but I'm not

  26. 26. Cause I'll be doing you later tonight

  27. 27. Because you are Acute Angle.

  28. 28. Cuz your all im missing

  29. 29. 'Cause I wanna' slam you on the table and do you all night (You've probably seen this one before but it's one of my personal favorites so I just wanted to share it!)

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