Angry Birds pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you Angry Birds? Because I will steal your egg so you can come after me.

  2. 2. Are you Bubbles? Because I can't hide my sweets from you.

  3. 3. Are you Chuck? Because you are fast and furious.

  4. 4. Are you Matilda? Because I love your big heart.

  5. 5. Are you Red? Because I love your unibrow.

  6. 6. Are you Stella? Because you are the sweetest.

  7. 7. Are you the Blues? Because good things come in three – me, myself, and you.

  8. 8. Birds are never angry after I've played with them.

  9. 9. I can make it with one shot.

  10. 10. I don't even care if you're not a green pig, I'd still smash you.

  11. 11. I will rescue you from the King Pig in the Piggy Island.

  12. 12. I will show you my special moves.

  13. 13. I'm an angry bird, but I feel happy when I'm with you.

  14. 14. I'm an eggcellent lover.

  15. 15. I'm hungry for you like the green pigs over the eggs.

  16. 16. I'm so full of love I could explode.

  17. 17. I'm the BOMB!

  18. 18. If you are an egg, you make me greedy like the King Pig and want you all to myself.

  19. 19. Is that a slingshot in your pocket or are you excited to see me?

  20. 20. Let's be lovebirds.

  21. 21. My aim is so precise that when I knock on your door - I'll blow you away.

  22. 22. My aim may not be very good, but I will keep trying until I get it in there.

  23. 23. No fortress can stop me from getting to you

  24. 24. Red are red, the Blues are blue, you're one Angry Bird, which is why I dig you.

  25. 25. Wanna come over to check out my slingshot?

  26. 26. Why should I play with angry birds when I have you?

  27. 27. Will you be my green pig? Because I just wanna smash into you.

  28. 28. You are addictive like the Angry Birds game.

  29. 29. You are more precious than the eggs.

  30. 30. You are one bad piggy.

  31. 31. You are the TNT.

  32. 32. You knock me out!

  33. 33. You know what else is BIG like Terence?

  34. 34. You must be an angry bird? Because you are awfully cute when you are angry.

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