wiener stand pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Girl, you should sell hotdogs, because you already know how to make a wiener stand!

  2. 2. Gurl, you should sell beerwurst. Because you already know how to make a wiener stand.

  3. 3. Cause you really know how to make a wiener stand. (Disclosure: I’m female but this still made me laugh)

  4. 4. Do you sell hot dogs? Because you sure know how to make a wiener stand.

  5. 5. Because you surely know how to make my wiener stand.

  6. 6. Cuz you can make a wiener stand

  7. 7. Hey girl you should sell hot dogs, because you already know how to make a wiener stand

  8. 8. Cuz you know how to make a wiener stand

  9. 9. Because you sure know how to make a wiener stand.

  10. 10. Ok

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