hung pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I'm hung like a donkey!

  2. 2. I said what I meant, I meant what I said, I’m hung like an elephant, Just bring me to bed.

  3. 3. Want to see a well hung parliment?

  4. 4. Wanna see the new Velvet Elvis painting I just hung in my trailer?

  5. 5. I'm masc, hung, clean, and generous.

  6. 6. Girl im hung like a... Well you know...

  7. 7. What smiles, winks, is hung like a horse, and can last all night long?

  8. 8. I'm hung like a horse.

  9. 9. Girl, I am hung like... Well, you know...

  10. 10. Hung

  11. 11. I'm hung like a Foucault pendulum sweetheart.

  12. 12. Are you in parliament? Because you look hung to me.

  13. 13. Did you know I’m hung, just like the stockings on your wall?

  14. 14. 1. I am hung over. 2. Many times I like to say the word "over" for no reason. BOOM! Nailed it!!

  15. 15. Because I'm hung like a horse.

  16. 16. Cause am always hung up on you.

  17. 17. I'm hung like Jesus, so why don't you nail me?

  18. 18. That tux looks really good on you. It would also look really good on my floor. Or nicely folded and hung in my closet, if you're a neat freak.

  19. 19. Yeah, that's right... I'm hung like a tauren.

  20. 20. When i saw your face, I became hung like an oozaro.

  21. 21. I’m hung like an Apatosaurus.

  22. 22. I'm hung like a tic tac. Wanna freshen your breath?

  23. 23. I may be hung like a tic-tac, but I'll leave your breath minty fresh!

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