vitamin pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Wanna go back to my place and save me?

  2. 2. At Tight End… I think he’s suffering from a lack of vitamin me …from the Cleveland Browns… Jordan Cameron!

  3. 3. You're the vitamin to my coenzyme because without you I can't function properly.

  4. 4. Dw I have plenty of vitamin D

  5. 5. Here's a "pickup lime" for you.

  6. 6. Because Imma be retinal up inside of you.

  7. 7. I don't have A, B or C but I can give you the D

  8. 8. Cuz i think you’re lacking vitamin me ;)

  9. 9. My doctor says I'm lacking vitamin you

  10. 10. Hey babe, it says here that you're picking up Aleve, but I think you're lacking Vitamin Me.

  11. 11. I think you're lacking some vitamin me.

  12. 12. Must be from a lack of vitamin U.

  13. 13. You look like you’re suffering from a severe lack of Vitamin Me.

  14. 14. Because you’re lacking this Vitamin D

  15. 15. Cause I think you're lacking some Vitamin Me

  16. 16. Because the last appointment he said I’m lacking Vitamin-U..

  17. 17. Did you get some magnesium supplement? Because you are totally magnetic.

  18. 18. I think you're suffering from a lack of vitamin me.

  19. 19. If the sun were to stop shining, I'd be your source of vitamin D.

  20. 20. Do you have a vitamin deficiency? Because I think you're in need of some Vitamin Me.

  21. 21. I can get rid of your vitamin D deficiency

  22. 22. The doctor says I need more vitamin U.

  23. 23. I'll give some of that vitamin D and you'll feel better...

  24. 24. Baby are you an antioxidant? Because you keep this free radical in check.

  25. 25. Do you need some vitamin me?!

  26. 26. I’m lacking vitamin u

  27. 27. Cause i want some of that vitamin D

  28. 28. Because you're looking like a full snack.

  29. 29. I said it vitamin U

  30. 30. Because I'd let you suck on my vitamin D any day!

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