target pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Can you help me meet my dissemination targets? I’ll let you be in a condition of power.

  2. 2. (Holding a dart) Do you have a minute? I need to practice hitting a moving target.

  3. 3. Baby I dont have any invalid target area.

  4. 4. I think I just found my beautiful target. (B1A4)

  5. 5. A literal angel would not be an easy target. How would you flirt with Cas?

  6. 6. Let's quickly implement your interconnection targets.

  7. 7. There are two ways to get to your target heart rate: You can either run really fast me, or I can just take off my shirt.

  8. 8. Goblin's favourite target is resources, but my fav is you.

  9. 9. Baby, I'm like Green Arrow, I never miss my target.

  10. 10. Because you're my Target.

  11. 11. I don't want to go all Freudian on you, but cute doctors pull strong feelings from me because they're a safe target for feelings I originally had for my parents.

  12. 12. (After initial confusion..) Sorry meant to say Beautiful!!!

  13. 13. Can you help me meet my dissemination targets?

  14. 14. Cause im gonna shoot my shot but miss every single one of them

  15. 15. Girl, you’re the only target I want like the Shine Sprite.

  16. 16. The trick to win the game is to target the tip of that head, want to try tonight in bed?

  17. 17. And i am supposed to take you out. *continues to shoot the target*

  18. 18. You're audience I want to target with love and affection.

  19. 19. Then say to your target: "I'm going for a walk, could you hold this for me?"

  20. 20. Target acquired, we are weapons hot, cleared to engage.

  21. 21. Cuz I really want to take you out.

  22. 22. Because damn, I wanna be your next target ;)

  23. 23. I'll give you a target so ambitious, you won't have any choice but to fall for it.

  24. 24. Because I'm aiming for your head

  25. 25. Cos I want to shoot you

  26. 26. Because you sure are high value target and I definitely wanna take you out

  27. 27. Our love is as wide as a crossbow's range when set to ground targets.

  28. 28. I think something's wrong with my targetted camera, cause I can't take my eyes of you

  29. 29. I'm good at Air Trajectory and hitting the target.

  30. 30. Target aquired, we are weapons hot, cleared to engage.

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