spotify pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. For you not being named this week’s hottest single.

  2. 2. That you aren't listed in the hottest singles of this week

  3. 3. ‘Cuz I wanna listen to you all day long. (could be replaced with anything you like to listen to)

  4. 4. Cause I didn't see you in my hot singles list last week

  5. 5. Because they didn’t put you in this weeks hottest singles

  6. 6. Apple Music or Spotify Did you see the glitch earlier? You weren’t listed as the top hottest single

  7. 7. Me: Oh so you heard the glitch on it last week? Her: what glitch? Me: Well they forgot to list you as the hottest single

  8. 8. For not including you in the hottest singles of the week list.

  9. 9. You were in the hottest singles this week

  10. 10. It showed me the hottest singles, and missed you out!

  11. 11. It says you're this week's hottest new single.

  12. 12. I was just writing a complaint to Spotify asking why your not labelled hottest single of the week

  13. 13. Cuz I’d love 30 mins of uninterrupted listening with you.

  14. 14. Since they didn’t list you as hottest single of the month

  15. 15. Cuz i can listen to you all day

  16. 16. They forgot to list you as hottest single !

  17. 17. I think my Spotify is broken because I can't see you in the hottest singles!

  18. 18. Cause when I clicked on 'this weeks hottest single' you weren't there

  19. 19. My Spotify must be broken because I don’t see you on the top ten hottest singles list

  20. 20. I can't seem to find you on the hottest singles list.

  21. 21. No matter how much I wander I'd always come back to you. - Day 11

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