shopping mall pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Hey I need a female opinion- what do you think would look better on me, this or this?

  2. 2. Just call me the guy working at one of those mall kiosks that sells phone cases, because I'm going to try and talk to you for a while whether you need a new phone case or not.

  3. 3. The girl we are shopping for has the same body type and height as you!

  4. 4. because I'd like to make a 'pretzel' with you.

  5. 5. Did you hear that? They're playing our future song on the speakers!

  6. 6. Did you know this mall has a movie theater? I just saw a preview of our life together. Looks pretty good!

  7. 7. Excuse me ! do you know where’s Victoria's Secret outlet/shop in mall .. You look like one of their model!

  8. 8. Excuse me girl, where I can buy men's stockings? I did not approach you to ask where I can buy men`s pantyhose. Actually I approached you, because you are my type of a woman. I really like you

  9. 9. Hi girls, I need an opinion. I was at Saks today, and there were $600 shirts. If guys wear 6bill shirts like that, do you think it’s classy or try-hard?

  10. 10. Hi, you are a very beautiful woman. My name is _____. What is your name?

  11. 11. Hold up some huge baggy pants or bling- “Wow this would look so AWESOME on me- yeah like a playa pimp. You can be my biatch

  12. 12. Hollister? I barely know her!

  13. 13. I just came to this shopping mall to meet my friend and I saw you. I thought I would make a mistake if I did not approach you. And what are you doing at this shopping mall?

  14. 14. The girl we are shopping for has the same body type and hieghth as you!

  15. 15. You look even cooler than the Apple Store, and with less overt effort.

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