trash pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Any good ideas?

  2. 2. Because I need to take you out

  3. 3. I usually pick up trash, but today I want to pick up you.

  4. 4. In your eyes I see oceans, and one large floating trash pile.

  5. 5. You: As someone who deeply cares about the environment, I am obligated to pick you up. Is 6 pm okay?

  6. 6. If you care about the environment you should pick me up

  7. 7. Because you smell really bad and my mom is forcing me to take you out.

  8. 8. Baby! You smell like trash from Flea Bottom, can I take you out?

  9. 9. Because I want to put my junk in you.

  10. 10. Because my pick-ups are trash

  11. 11. Will you take me out?

  12. 12. Cause you fucking stink.

  13. 13. But will you be my trashbin?

  14. 14. Cuz i just wanna take you out. PS: it actually worked last night and i got laid again...

  15. 15. So are we going or what?

  16. 16. Hey your trash can i take you out sometime?

  17. 17. Because I want to take you out

  18. 18. Hey I'm trash so can you take me out?

  19. 19. Are you a piece of trash? Because as an environmentally conscious individual I'd like to pick you up and take you out.

  20. 20. Can I take you out?

  21. 21. But being an environmental conservationalist I am bound to pick you up. How about 6 in the evening today?

  22. 22. Cause you look like trash

  23. 23. Let me take you out.

  24. 24. Is that why I want to take you out so often?

  25. 25. Cuz I’m tryna take you out 🥴

  26. 26. Then it shouldnt be so hard to take out me.

  27. 27. Because I should be inside of you

  28. 28. Because I am NOT falling for that a third time, damn catfishing trash bandits.

  29. 29. Damm girl are you a trash compacter... cuz i want to put some kids inside you.

  30. 30. Cause I want to take you out

  31. 31. Bc you're trash and stress me out but all of my time is still dedicated to you

  32. 32. Because I want to take you out at least once a week for the rest of my life

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