normal pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Acne normally comes on boys faces over the age of 12.

  2. 2. Girl, I am not normal, I am a crypto whale.

  3. 3. But you are definitely my cup of tea.

  4. 4. Baby your ass is so fine it have an arc tangent nearing almost 35 degree to the normal line.

  5. 5. I don't normally pick up at the park. I let my owner do it.

  6. 6. But when im with you my heart is always racing.

  7. 7. I don't normally put all my eggs in one basket, but I wanna be your number one bunny, honey.

  8. 8. I normally don't put all my eggs in one basket, but I'd love to be your honey bunny.

  9. 9. Hey baby, is your heart wired normally open or normally closed?

  10. 10. I don’t normally plunge into a relationship, but tonight I’ll make an exception.

  11. 11. I don't normally sow wild oats, but for you I'd make an exception.

  12. 12. But for you, I'd make an exception

  13. 13. I don't normally like girls who wear red coats. But, for you I'll make an exception.

  14. 14. I don't normally go down on girls, but I can't resist the way you play them bongos.

  15. 15. I'm more normal than you think! In reality, I have a decent personality and I'm really into same-sexuality.

  16. 16. Normally the punishment for theft is brutal execution by guards, but I'll let it go if you give me my heart back.

  17. 17. Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Instead let's be freaks is the best. Time to get freaky!

  18. 18. Normally my species is cold blooded, but around you I am hot blooded.

  19. 19. Are you the normal line of a denser medium? Because i am attracted to you.

  20. 20. I may look like a normal Kokiri, but I am as nasty as Ganon.

  21. 21. Normally, I’d be asking you out... But for everyone’s sake, please stay in. (and please wash your hands regularly)

  22. 22. But I'm really feeling you

  23. 23. I normally have 206 bones but it's 207 when I'm around you.

  24. 24. Until they tell me they're pregnant ... What's your name ?

  25. 25. I normally would say yes, but your prostate and testes are unremarkable. Plus your heart weighs only 360 grams.

  26. 26. Normally I am strictly IFRS but for you I'd switch to GAAP because you are extraordinary

  27. 27. The only thing which can come between us is normally Ralph Nader.

  28. 28. It ain't matter to me if you a gay bi or normal.

  29. 29. Do you like, like Starbucks in airports more than normal Starbuckses?

  30. 30. I don’t normally put all my eggs in one basket, ..buuuuuuuuuuuuuttt!

  31. 31. My vector has a really large magnitude. Would you care to normalize it?

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