face pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. The color palate of your face is really great in this lighting.

  2. 2. Acne normally comes on boys faces over the age of 12.

  3. 3. This weather and your face have something in common...I like it.

  4. 4. Baby, I got 99 problems and the oppression faced by your community that disallows us from being together is one of them.

  5. 5. Cause I really want you to sit on my face

  6. 6. They tell me if I could see your face, I'd instantly fall in love...

  7. 7. Cause I wanna flip you over and dig my face in you

  8. 8. You should see my downward facing dog.

  9. 9. So thank you for giving me something beautiful to dream about tonight.

  10. 10. Baby, your face can make MCR get back together.

  11. 11. Yo girl, come over later and I'll Nagasaki all over your face.

  12. 12. A beautiful smile There it is again

  13. 13. Because I want to run my fingers down your spine while I bury my face in you for hours.

  14. 14. “is this seat taken”

  15. 15. Oh! It's beauty.

  16. 16. Because I wanna burry my face inside you.

  17. 17. You sit on my face and I guess how much you weigh.

  18. 18. That only happens when I am with you.

  19. 19. Are you butt-dialing? Because I swear that ass is calling me

  20. 20. Let my face be your throne (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

  21. 21. You should sit on my face and wiggle those hips.

  22. 22. Because Id like to bury my face in those titties

  23. 23. Seeing your face causes my heart to beat in diddles.

  24. 24. I'd return to Isla Sorna and face the T-Rex, but only for you.

  25. 25. I saved you a seat...on my face.

  26. 26. The moon looks nice tonight...like you face.

  27. 27. When I saw your face, my heart started to beat again.

  28. 28. Yer face reminds me of a wrench, every time I think of it my nutstighten up.

  29. 29. Your face or mine?

  30. 30. Ladies, you want a crown? I got a mouth full of them so hop on my face.

  31. 31. Hey girl...You're still beautiful, even if I can't see your face beneath that ski mask.

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