weekend pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Line: Will you come out with me this Saturday? Comeback: Sorry! I'm having a headache this weekend!!!

  2. 2. Are you here for one weekend or two?

  3. 3. Camping this weekend? There's a shower back at my place that you don't have to share . . unless you want to share.

  4. 4. Whats the best sex you've ever had not counting our date this weekend?

  5. 5. I know a great drive-in theater!

  6. 6. I’m going to be around you a lot. Days, nights, weekends, holidays...

  7. 7. Do you know what I’m going to do? Three loads of laundry.

  8. 8. Thinking about the vocation of marriage? You should come and see me for a discernment weekend.

  9. 9. On a scale of one to America, how free are you this weekend. (Captain America)

  10. 10. You, me and your red tube top

  11. 11. I'm sensing your weekend forecast is mostly horny!

  12. 12. Just got the weekend forecast…mostly horny with a chance of doing “it”.

  13. 13. Cause I spent over nine hours watching you last weekend

  14. 14. *I'll bring the sausage you bring the sizzle.*

  15. 15. I'm driving to Paso Robles next weekend to scout out land for planting a vineyard ... would you like to be my co-pilot?

  16. 16. Did you read this weekend's forecast? Cloudy with a chance of Squirtle.

  17. 17. Cause god took all his weekend just to make you.

  18. 18. I'd love to win the lottery this weekend... But I don't have any lucky numbers. Can I have yours?

  19. 19. You wanna go out this weekend? [Sorry, I have a boyfriend] I have a math test tomorrow [What?] Oh, I thought we were talking about things we could both cheat on!

  20. 20. Is what I’m going to say when I pick you up this weekend;)

  21. 21. Coz you ruin my weekend.

  22. 22. This weekend let's do to our bodies what Godzilla does to Tokyo.

  23. 23. Monday is my favorite day of the week. I have waited the whole weekend to see you...

  24. 24. Today is mature Monday. I'm leaving my immature ways in the weekend. What can I say women are like a fine wine and only get better with age.

  25. 25. Would you like to help me bottle wine next weekend? I'll let you do the corking.

  26. 26. It's the freakin' weekend.

  27. 27. I have an extra ticket for a fire dancing workshop next weekend. Wanna come?

  28. 28. What color are your eyes? Um – they're blue. I'd like to invite you both to come with me to Oviedo. For the weekend. We leave in an hour.

  29. 29. Do you like short love affairs? I hate them - I've got all weekend.

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