numbers pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen is number two compared to you.

  2. 2. Idk but I tried googling it

  3. 3. Would you rather sit on a dick an eat a cake or sit on a cake and eat a dick?...... Cool, give me your number and address and I'll be round soon with a cake.

  4. 4. You should call me.

  5. 5. Your number?

  6. 6. I just met you, and this is crazy but, here's my number, so call me or else.

  7. 7. I just met you, and this is crazy but here's my bib number...pace me maybe?

  8. 8. What's your number?? Err I mean your name?

  9. 9. Your number

  10. 10. I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it.

  11. 11. You might not have got the deal you wanted, but you can have my number for free.

  12. 12. How do I know many hundreds of digits of pi greek and not the 7 digits of your phone number?

  13. 13. That’s a beautiful dog. Does she have a phone number?

  14. 14. How many times are we gonna exchange favorites before we exchange numbers?

  15. 15. Hey gorgeous ! I’ve just finished studying the book of numbers. But I noticed I don’t have yours.

  16. 16. Hey girl, is your name Truecaller? Because you're totally getting my name and number.

  17. 17. Your under arrest for not giving me your number.

  18. 18. Hey beautiful, could you help me get your number into this basket?

  19. 19. If you had the same amount of money of your phone number.. How much would that be?

  20. 20. I'll give you my number, then you have a call option.

  21. 21. What's up honey, wanna learn about the binary numbers? My 1 can interact really well with your 0.

  22. 22. Number starts with 1 2 3 Music starts with Do Re Mi So can love start with you and me

  23. 23. Hey, I just got my flight number. I'm just missing your phone number.

  24. 24. Can I have ur number so I can wake you up for fajr?

  25. 25. Roses are red, violets are blue, your PIN number is 3842

  26. 26. Hey boy, your PR isnt the only number I want.

  27. 27. What's your name and number so I can add you to my prayer list?

  28. 28. Hey girl, I don't need a best seller list to tell me you're number one.

  29. 29. I seem to have lost my phone number, can I have yours?

  30. 30. I lost my number.. may I borrow yours?

  31. 31. Are you Smitty Werbenmanjensen? Because you're number one.

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