halloween pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. It’s a good thing we’re not in a horror movie. The cute ones always die first.

  2. 2. Girl, do my groin rise from the dead .

  3. 3. I may be an angel in the streets, but I’m a real devil in the sheets.

  4. 4. Are you a ghost sweetheart? Because you’ve been haunting my dreams.

  5. 5. Are you dressed up as a tree baby? Cause you're giving me wood.

  6. 6. Are you the Halloween heist? Because I’ll spend months plotting and planning the best way to make you mine.

  7. 7. I can't find a costume for Halloween baby, so can I just go as your boyfriend?

  8. 8. I'm no vampire sweetheart but I'm fine with getting no sleep and biting your neck all night.

  9. 9. If your left leg was Halloween and your right leg was Christmas, could I visit you in between the holidays?

  10. 10. You're the most boo-tiful ghost sweetheart I've seen all night!

  11. 11. If we're still together next year, let's put flour in our hair, borrow your grandpa's walker, and grow old together.

  12. 12. I don't have a costume for Halloween , could I go as your boyfriend.

  13. 13. I might not be a vampire, but I sure know how to suck.

  14. 14. I’ll make you scream.

  15. 15. Hey, sweetheart, did you know they call me PumpkinHead?

  16. 16. It’s almost midnight sweetheart. I can’t wait to see what you turn into.

  17. 17. I don’t know what the trick is sweetheart, but you certainly are a treat.

  18. 18. I’ll let you Slytherin my Gryffindor.

  19. 19. Is that candy in your pocket or are you just happy to see me sweetheart?

  20. 20. I hear this house is haunted baby … we better stick together.

  21. 21. I know what you should be for Halloween. Mine.

  22. 22. I’m not a vampire, but I wouldn’t mind sucking on your neck tonight.

  23. 23. I would totally carve your pumpkin sweetheart.

  24. 24. I want to ask you out, but I've got butterflies in my stomach sweetheart. And worms. And maggots. And...

  25. 25. Have you ever considered being wonder woman for halloween?

  26. 26. I want to bob yo ‘ apples.

  27. 27. Hey pumpkin sweetheart – I bet I can put a smile on your face.

  28. 28. If you think I'm hot now baby, wait until you see what I turn into at midnight.

  29. 29. I want to take a ride on your broomstick baby?

  30. 30. Hi boo-tiful baby.

  31. 31. I’m trying to work up the nerve to ask you out sweetheart, but I’ve got butterflies in my stomach. And worms. And maggots.

  32. 32. I find you freaky in a sexy vampire kind of way that makes me rethink my stance on neck biting.

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