impress pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I hear you’ve got an impressive block folio.

  2. 2. Is your dad in prison? "no, why?" If I was your dad I'd be in prison.

  3. 3. Cuz I wanna use you to impress my mom

  4. 4. I hope I haven't given you the wrong impression. I'm actually taller and richer than I look.

  5. 5. “Are you an exception? Let me catch you.” Nerdy one

  6. 6. If you think that's impressive, you should see how many inches I just accumulated in my pants.

  7. 7. I'm not trying to impress you but.... I have as many playoff wins as Andy Dalton.

  8. 8. In all the power meetings I’ve ever been to, this room is one of the hottest... for real, it’s hot! Just like your paid search campaign, you’ve made quite the impression on me.

  9. 9. She said “wow impressive” and I don’t know how to respond.

  10. 10. Wow, you have really impressive forefoot strike.

  11. 11. I'm not trying to impress you but I'm batman.

  12. 12. Is your name Sharpie? Because you’re making a lasting impression on me.

  13. 13. You have impressive structure...

  14. 14. Hey, girl, lemme impress you with my Valor.

  15. 15. Girl, you're so fine you could make an impression on Monet.

  16. 16. Violets are blue How do I impress you I have no clue

  17. 17. Damn girl are you wet cement Cause I want to make a lasting impression on you

  18. 18. I read this somewhere and was so impressed by it like whoaaaa.. It goes.."Baby if you were McDonald's and I was Nike..I would be doing it and you would be just lovin it.."

  19. 19. Can i shit on your chest?

  20. 20. What should i do???? i need best lines for impressing her

  21. 21. Please señors and señoras, I gotta impress her

  22. 22. Luci has been stuck in the cage for years and isn't easy to impress. You better think this one out.

  23. 23. I’m just admiring you. It’s impressive how you’ve handled everything.

  24. 24. Baby you're so fine you could make an impression on MONET.

  25. 25. I’m not trying to impress you or anything, but I sell disability insurance for a living.

  26. 26. Women are usually impressed when I tell them I have a giant horse cock.

  27. 27. If you think my Twitter is impressive, you should see my Vine.

  28. 28. Clearly your LDL is of the large, fluffy kind. Very impressive indeed.

  29. 29. Just like your paid search campaign, you’ve made quite the impression on me.

  30. 30. Your customer interface is impressive.

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