online pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I am tired of online play, let's take our relationship to the next level with party play.

  2. 2. Hi all of you're looking for any texting course pm me for details.

  3. 3. If you were an online poker game, I'd go all in.

  4. 4. Be my Isis and I will be your Osiris.

  5. 5. Are you full luck build, you will not perfect dodge me.

  6. 6. You must know Lex Divina, because I have been totally silenced by your cuteness.

  7. 7. Face me with naked gears, and I will show you a good time.

  8. 8. Are you the online order I placed a few days ago? Cause I’ve been waiting for you all day.

  9. 9. Cause WoW!

  10. 10. I want to study you in person.

  11. 11. It's fate that I have fly winged on you.

  12. 12. Don't worry, cuz u won my heart

  13. 13. Because I’m going to do unspeakable things to your cat and post it online

  14. 14. Girl are you a pinky toe cause I'd bang you on my couch. (Not my own creation heard it from a friend who probably found it online)

  15. 15. Girl I will heaven drive you to ecstasy.

  16. 16. Are you cupid, because your arrows have shot my heart.

  17. 17. Be gentle with my hode.

  18. 18. Be my Munak and I will be your Bongun.

  19. 19. Blessing and heals make me hard.

  20. 20. Can I drink your sweet potion.

  21. 21. Check out my falcon! It strikes whenever it feels your presence.

  22. 22. Come ride my peco peco.

  23. 23. Do you need a stalker?

  24. 24. Girl I will heaven drive you to ecstacy.

  25. 25. Girl you are so hot like Meteor Storm.

  26. 26. Girl You look Magnificat.

  27. 27. Girl your blessing and heal turns me on.

  28. 28. I am your Orc Hero / Orc Lord if you would be my orc lady.

  29. 29. I can swing my rod 4 times per second at capped ASPD, want to try how it feels?

  30. 30. I can totally pierce you with my very very strong lance.

  31. 31. I feel Adrenaline Rush when you are around.

  32. 32. I have totally fallen for you, when your soul striked mine.

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