geek pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Can I stick my flash drive in your USB port?

  2. 2. You must be Windows 95 because you've got me feeling so unstable.

  3. 3. That the W key on my keyboard has fallen for me.

  4. 4. Because without you I’m just :// and insecure. P.S.: Saw this in top posts of this subreddit and added the last bit.

  5. 5. Hey girl, can you sit on my laptop?

  6. 6. Hey girl are you artificial Sun developed by Koreans, Cause you are even hotter than the Sun.

  7. 7. Hi, my name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?

  8. 8. Can I do a penetration test on your back door?

  9. 9. Harry potter fan, geek, nerd, would like to talk about WW2 or blackholes. Nerdy one

  10. 10. You need a wine tasting partner? Because I ‘m something of a wine geek.

  11. 11. You make me come to life like the Geek Interpreter’s comics.

  12. 12. You are so adorable when you geek out.

  13. 13. Age of the geek, baby.

  14. 14. You got me more excited than an Apple geek at Apple Store.

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