republican pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. The Koch brothers bet me a million dollars! couldn’t strike up a conversation with the most beautiful girl here. Wanna buy some votes with their money? (Ted Cruz)

  2. 2. Of course I'm a Republican. I care more about the safety of my money than I do your basic rights.

  3. 3. I'm no Republican, but call me Bush... My Dick is my sidekick.

  4. 4. I HOPE you CHANGE your mind and give me a 15th chance! You won’t be disappointed. Have I ever lied to you?

  5. 5. I wanna drill you like an Alaskan oilfield.

  6. 6. The logo of our party is an elephant, wanna see what the elephant and I have in common?

  7. 7. Don't worry, babe, we'll extend the Bush tax cuts in time!

  8. 8. Say why don't we go back to my place and fire my undocumented nanny.

  9. 9. Hey baby. You're so hot I'd send you to a foreign land to get in a war we can't win.

  10. 10. Are you global warming because you don't exist to me.

  11. 11. Hey gorgeous, let's make war, not love.

  12. 12. I'll rock you harder than Ronald Reagan rocked the Berlin Wall.

  13. 13. If I said you had no control over your body would you hold it against me?

  14. 14. How about I drop my pants and show you some shock n' awe.

  15. 15. I have a job, own a home and have a nice car.

  16. 16. Is that a large building for storing grain or are you just pleased to see me?

  17. 17. You know Lincoln was a Republican...

  18. 18. Sorry if I seem aggravated -- I'm still upset about that world-class jerk, Michael Moore.

  19. 19. Did you come from a Red State, because I'd love for you to be a taker.

  20. 20. If I had to choose between having a Republican President in the White House, or never being able to see your cleavage again, I'd be stumped.

  21. 21. You got more curves than a NASCAR race track!

  22. 22. Shh shhh. You won't get pregnant, you're body just takes care of those things.

  23. 23. I want to be near your vagina so much, I'll write laws about it.

  24. 24. If I tried to control your body, would you hold it against me?

  25. 25. You are prettier than Ted Cruz's wife.

  26. 26. Yes I said that gay sex is an abomination. Come back to my hotel so I can show you.

  27. 27. Will you let my Dick Cheney dominate your Bush?

  28. 28. I’m a Republican. I love a good Bush. (Rick Perry)

  29. 29. Wanna find out why they call me a Repub-lickin'?

  30. 30. Don't worry, babe, we'll overturn ObamaTAX!

  31. 31. How about I leave no child behind... in your womb!

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