morning pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Tomorrow morning I'll have personal jurisdiction over you because we're about to make some significant contacts.

  2. 2. Because you're looking magically delicious.

  3. 3. Because I desperately need your approval.

  4. 4. Which do you want to hear tomorrow ?

  5. 5. You and I will go to your place have sex and I’ll disappear in the morning.

  6. 6. Scrambled, over-easy, or fertilized?

  7. 7. Hey lady I'm just like like a pizza. I'll fill you up tonight and still be there in the morning when you're ready for more.

  8. 8. Pardon me but my necktie is on your floor. Wait, that's *tomorrow* morning...

  9. 9. Should I call you in the morning or just nudge you?

  10. 10. I just woke up and you’re already on my mind.

  11. 11. Hello my beautiful, Good Morning and as always I'm thinking of you.

  12. 12. its ok cause i got you as my morning coffee.

  13. 13. Goodnight I love you see you in the morning!

  14. 14. Baby you hit the snooze button better than anyone I know.

  15. 15. Good Morning sweetheart and have a Good Day!

  16. 16. You were the principal thing to ring a bell as I woke up this morning.

  17. 17. Let me wake you up for the rest of my life.

  18. 18. Every minute spent with you is a minute well spent. Good Morning.

  19. 19. Can’t wait to set my eyes on you again tonight.

  20. 20. If morning is you, I am the first one to wake up to meet you.

  21. 21. I can't wait till the day I can wake up right next to you.

  22. 22. I'll bang you so hard with my mighty Mjolnir, you'll be Thor in the morning.

  23. 23. Hi. My name is Gregor Samsa. Woke up this morning and I was an insect! Weird, right!? You want a coffee?

  24. 24. I should really know for tomorrow morning.

  25. 25. I really envy the coffee cup that’s lucky enough to kiss your lips every morning.

  26. 26. Have you listened to famous last words? cause id like to see you lying next to me in the morning.

  27. 27. Woman: I have a boyfriend. Man: I had cereal for breakfast this morning. Woman: What? Man: Oh, I thought we were talking about things that don't matter.

  28. 28. Bc you’re the first thing I think about in the morning

  29. 29. The sun isn't the only that is up in the morning.

  30. 30. Don't you just love the smell of drones in the morning?

  31. 31. Do you have Obamacare? For, you know, the morning after.

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