relationship pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I have issues committing to them.

  2. 2. I'm a lot like a phasor, my relationship status is always complex...

  3. 3. Let's take this relationship from concept to construction.

  4. 4. I'm a Navy guy, and I'd fight for our relationship like I'd fight for our country.

  5. 5. Cause our relationship’s gonna be short, passionate, and at the end the courts will get involved

  6. 6. I am tired of online play, let's take our relationship to the next level with party play.

  7. 7. I treated this relationship like my diet, one cheat day a week.

  8. 8. How about a smart, sustainable and inclusive relationship?

  9. 9. Hey girl, you work out, I work out, I think our relationship would work out.

  10. 10. My workout sessions are a lot like my relationships. Quick, intense cardio with lots of intervals, followed by pizza.

  11. 11. Baby our relationship are like a full Wrathful set in an arena: unstoppable.

  12. 12. Cause I can imagine building a relationship with ya.

  13. 13. Baby I see our relationship being like a good denim jacket: timeless.

  14. 14. Hey, baby. I'm looking for a stable relationship.

  15. 15. Because I want to have a relationship with you

  16. 16. Cause I'd love to ruin you

  17. 17. Is your relationship on the rocks? I have some alcohol for that!

  18. 18. Our relationship is like a pizza, we had all the toppings, now alls left is the crust.

  19. 19. I love LEGO, you like Legos, why not build a relationship?

  20. 20. Let's take our relationship to the next level. Here is my Netflix account.

  21. 21. It's time to take our relationship to the next level, let's be Best Friends.

  22. 22. Let's take our relationship to the next level, ready for some multiplayer terraria?

  23. 23. Yeah, it makes no sense, so does you not being in a relationship with me

  24. 24. Let's start with a vertical relationship and move on to a horizontal agreement later.

  25. 25. Let's have a relationship like Glen and Maggie.

  26. 26. How about my relationship status?

  27. 27. I'm just looking for some one to go to Ihop with. Idk if this is a pickup line but here.

  28. 28. I’d like to have a stable relationship with you.

  29. 29. Our relationship is like a holiday, first here and then gone.

  30. 30. Let’s build a relationship

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