skittles pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I have skittles in my mouth, do you want to taste the rainbow?

  2. 2. Want to taste the rainbow?

  3. 3. Want to taste the rainbow

  4. 4. Do you wanna "taste the rainbow"?

  5. 5. My lips are like skittles. Wanna taste the rainbow?

  6. 6. So wanna taste the rainbow?

  7. 7. Cause I wanna taste the rainbow.

  8. 8. I just ate a bag of skittles want to taste the rainbow?

  9. 9. I spilled skittles down my pants. Do you want to taste the rainbow?

  10. 10. I've got Skittles in my mouth , want to taste the rainbow?

  11. 11. I've got skittles in my mouth, wanna taste the rainbow?

  12. 12. Skittles the way to taste the rainbow.

  13. 13. My name is Skittles… wanna taste my rainbow?

  14. 14. I like you. You smell like unicorn poo. They eat butterflies and skittles.

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