pain pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Darling, these Trojans are rather painful. We may need some oil for this armor.

  2. 2. Because you give me an extremely painful erection

  3. 3. Cuz damn u fine ;)

  4. 4. Because your head has a strange shape to it and I’m assuming it was a painful fall.

  5. 5. Being apart from you is like feedback in the's so painful and ill do anything i can to avoid it.

  6. 6. When you fell from heaven, could you rate the pain from 1-10? Was there any blood in your urine or stool?

  7. 7. I can inflict the most pain you've ever felt. Or pleasure. Take your pick.

  8. 8. If you know what I mean.

  9. 9. In my pursuit of happiness, I found nothing but pain. Hey. Give me some opiates!

  10. 10. I got my favorite girl. Not feeling, no pain, no fear, don't have a care in the world. Why would I when you are here?

  11. 11. Sandpaper ?

  12. 12. Lemme Buy You A Drank. (In T-Pain's voice)

  13. 13. I don’t use my fingers only for thousand years of pain.

  14. 14. You’re a pain, but I need to continue my lineage for the next generation, so what’re you waiting for?

  15. 15. After one night with me, you will know pain!

  16. 16. Cuz you're a pain in the ass

  17. 17. I'm no Thomas Paine, but you and I are Common Sense.

  18. 18. And you are my painkillers

  19. 19. Because you’re nothing but a pain in my ass

  20. 20. Because you relieve my back pain from years of performing self felacio

  21. 21. Me: *Painfully realise corpses doesn’t require sunlight* Me:*Proceeds to painfully have CONSENSUAL sex with sis’s corpse*

  22. 22. Because I can stop them for nine months

  23. 23. Because if beauty is pain, you must need them

  24. 24. Cause i can stop them for nine months

  25. 25. Because I want to buy you a drank.

  26. 26. I know about pain and suffering and being cold. But I just wanna fuck (Pigs In Zen)

  27. 27. True love is like a pillow, you can hug when you are in trouble, You can cry when you are in pain & you can embrace when you are happy. So when you need true love spend 100 bucks and buy a pillow.

  28. 28. Hey, I'm like acetaminophen I'll make sure all your pains go away when we're together.

  29. 29. Just ask thomas paine; he knows dating me is common sense.

  30. 30. If I'm a pain in your ass… We can just add more lubricants.

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