jealous pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. That my freezer is jealous of you

  2. 2. Are your other donkeys jealous because that's one fine ass.

  3. 3. Its pumping inside you and im not *wink wink* Ps: please dont kill yourself

  4. 4. Girl, I would buy you a drink but I'd be jealous of the glass.

  5. 5. Because it's pumping inside of you ;) Edit: Sorry if this seems like a repost I never saw this pickup line on this sub I'm very sorry

  6. 6. Could I borrow your smartphone? I need to post a Facebook status update that I've met the woman of my dreams, in order to make all the ex-girlfriends I'm still Facebook friends with jealous.

  7. 7. Cause it’s blowing you and I’m not

  8. 8. But I'm really jealous of the FBI man that gets to watch you through your camera

  9. 9. I was going to click on your profile picture, but I got jealous of the mouse.

  10. 10. Because it's wrapped around you and I'm not

  11. 11. Meet me in the Romance section let's make Romeo & Juliet jealous.

  12. 12. You're so hot you make the sun and stars jealous.

  13. 13. Coz it is pumping inside of you and i am not

  14. 14. And make all the princesses jealous.

  15. 15. Because it's screwing you and I'm not

  16. 16. I am jealous of your heart It can pump inside you the whole day and i can't

  17. 17. Girl : what ? Why ? Me : Because it's pumping inside you and I'm not

  18. 18. Because they get to be by your side

  19. 19. It gets to stay inside you but not me

  20. 20. Because if he did the angels would be jealous:)

  21. 21. So obviously his game playing, trying to make me jealous, and this girl who always knows what to say is stuck. =P Thanks in advance

  22. 22. You're so beautiful, You would make hur-al-ayn jealous.

  23. 23. Because it's pounding inside of you and I'm not.

  24. 24. It's pumping inside you and I'm not

  25. 25. The sun must be jealous! the sun: oof it's time for me to retire *proceeds to explode*

  26. 26. ¿Eres casada? Porque no soy celoso (Are you married? Because I am not the jealous type)

  27. 27. Hasta el sol siente celos de la forma en que brillas (Even the sun is jealous of the way you shine)

  28. 28. Your beautiful big eyes will make Kate Moss jealous.

  29. 29. You're so hot, the sun is jealous.

  30. 30. You Say: I'm jealous of your dress. She says "Why?" You say: Because it's touching your body, and I'm not.

  31. 31. I think all the bottles in this bar must be jealous, cause your beauty is the most intoxicating thing in this place.

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