nerd pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Aye girl, your beauty is like a Zetabyte...there's virtually nothing with which to compare it.

  2. 2. Can I stick my flash drive in your USB port?

  3. 3. You must be Windows 95 because you've got me feeling so unstable.

  4. 4. Are you made of copper and tellurium? Cause you're CuTe.

  5. 5. Hi crush, would you be my main quest?

  6. 6. Because either way I’ll be your dungeon master

  7. 7. “Are you an exception? Let me catch you.” Nerdy one

  8. 8. Hey baby, you're so beautiful, you even get Mr. Spock excited.

  9. 9. You so fine. I'd wear a red shirt just to spend one night with you.

  10. 10. So you're saying your pipette is fully functional.

  11. 11. Is that a function signature in your pocket or are you just happy to call me?

  12. 12. Because you'd be acute one.

  13. 13. Hey girl, can you sit on my laptop?

  14. 14. Hi, my name's Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?

  15. 15. Can I do a penetration test on your back door?

  16. 16. Harry potter fan, geek, nerd, would like to talk about WW2 or blackholes. Nerdy one

  17. 17. I like gold, but "A" is silent. Source - internet / Explanation - chemical symbol for gold is 'Au'

  18. 18. Damn girl, your hips and thighs look compressed in those jeans. Shall I... unzip them for you?

  19. 19. Is that a slide ruler in your pocket or are you calculating the square root of 3?

  20. 20. Me without you is like a nerd without braces, a shoe without a laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.

  21. 21. Wanna check our math together?

  22. 22. Is your discriminant zero? Because you're my only solution.

  23. 23. Let’s do like two particles in the Hadron Collider and smash into each other.

  24. 24. I'm selectively permeable, so you really must be something special.

  25. 25. Your chromosomes have combined beautifully.

  26. 26. You probably won’t believe this, but in real life I’m still a virgin.

  27. 27. [for nerds]

  28. 28. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to put your nerd card on probation.

  29. 29. Because I want to hold it. (Non-music nerds: fermata = music thing that means hold a note) Nerdy

  30. 30. Coz I need some space. P.S. nerd alert!

  31. 31. Is a nerd and likes memes if that helps.

  32. 32. I'd love to put my USB into your port. 00101000 00100000 01100001 10110000 00100000 01011100 10010110 00100000 01100001 10110000 00101001

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