drink pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I remember when drinking green beer was cool.

  2. 2. You should stop drinking, because you're driving me home!

  3. 3. _I was told this is a great icebreaker. Did it work?_

  4. 4. The word says "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry," how about dinner?

  5. 5. I don't smoke dope. I don't drink bourbon. All I want to do is shake my turban.

  6. 6. Booties, boobs and booze. Well the drinks are from me...

  7. 7. Wanna use their money to buy drinks?

  8. 8. Because you’re making my heart race

  9. 9. (when you have a drink in your hand and you are speaking to a woman) *An audible shrug* " i should really stop drinking now. Could you please take away my glass before I try to kiss you?"

  10. 10. I dropped mine when you walked by

  11. 11. I'd buy you a drink, but I want you to be able to consent later.

  12. 12. Can I take you out for drinks? Say, 9 a.m. in my office tomorrow?

  13. 13. Hey baby, wanna drink from the fountain of youth?

  14. 14. Can you shake your hips like you shake your drinks?

  15. 15. By me a drink and I'll take out my teeth for a good time.

  16. 16. Are you as strong as your drinks are?

  17. 17. Hey babe, how's about I bayou a drink?

  18. 18. Hey girl, do you want one of my drink vouchers?

  19. 19. Give me you cell phone number, I will call you when I need another drink.

  20. 20. Dubai who? I know your Muslim, but would you allow me Dubai you a drink? 

  21. 21. Hey. I'm spreading christmas cheer. What drink can I get you?

  22. 22. Girl, I would buy you a drink but I'd be jealous of the glass.

  23. 23. If I were a glass of water, would you drink me, so I would be inside of you?

  24. 24. Hey girl are you a Native American tribe's drinking water? Cuz I wanna lay some pipe in you.

  25. 25. I drink to make you more interesting.

  26. 26. Here is R100. Drink until I am really good looking, then come to talk to me.

  27. 27. Girl do you like to drink tea? Because you're so pretea.

  28. 28. I look like you need another drink.

  29. 29. I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to. from "Napoleon Dynamite"

  30. 30. It wouldn't be like drinking your blood for instance..

  31. 31. Do you drink Pepsi? Because you're so-da-licious!

  32. 32. Did you slip some Firewhiskey into my drink, or are you just getting hotter?

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