discover pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I am trying to discover a passage to the east indies or into your undies, whichever is easier.

  2. 2. Can I discover if the carpet matches the drapes?

  3. 3. I know we just met and this may sound crazy but I discovered a backseat in my car, so come with me maybe?

  4. 4. The Queen sent me to discover what is in your pants, gurrrrl.

  5. 5. Columbus discovered the new world; I want to discover your body.

  6. 6. 234 years ago today Uranus was discovered. What are you up to tonight?

  7. 7. I think I've discovered my supersymmetric partner.

  8. 8. Wanna discover why my companions call me the Scoring Apparatus?

  9. 9. So how about we go discover our coefficient of friction sweetheart.

  10. 10. Hey baby, my body's like Ontario. Yours to discover.

  11. 11. No need discover fire when your beauty make all warm.

  12. 12. Hey. I'm the guy that discovered fire. Wanna come back to my cave.

  13. 13. Is it 1492? Cause I'd sail the ocean blue just to discover you.

  14. 14. I've just discovered that my feet won't dance by themselves . Please help!

  15. 15. Will you be my baby and discover my lips?

  16. 16. I don't have a microscope to perceive your inner beauty but I'm attracted to you. Let's get to know each other and discover the hidden beauty of the heart.

  17. 17. Because I have a new bone for you to discover.

  18. 18. Me: u know nobody knows how many stars are there in the universe.. She:so? Me: but looking at you i can say i just discover the new one...

  19. 19. Its you

  20. 20. Why don’t you put down that second piece of pie, pretty pilgrim. I think it’s high time you discovered my plymouth rock.

  21. 21. You'd better call me William Herschel, because I'm gonna discover Uranus

  22. 22. Remember, Columbus didn't actually discover America, it was Kanye.

  23. 23. Why don't we head to my bedroom, peel back my Star War sheets, and discover what a true Jedi can do with his light sabre?

  24. 24. Man, I want to be frozen until science can discover a way for men like me to have a change with women like you.

  25. 25. I think I've discovered the secret of life – you just hang around until you get used to it. (Charles Schulz)

  26. 26. Let's discover our coefficient of friction.

  27. 27. Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often. -Johnny Carson

  28. 28. Hey, I’ve just discovered a bone in my pants, and I was wondering if you could date it.

  29. 29. How 'bout you and I get together and see if we can discover a new secret thrust?

  30. 30. Quien fuera el pirata que descubrió el tesoro que tienes entre pata y pata? (Who was the pirate who discovered the treasure that you have between your legs?)

  31. 31. Why don't we head to my bedroom, peel back my Star Wars sheets, and discover what a true Jedi can do with his light-saber?

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