literary pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Do you know how I can contact Sherlock Holmes? Because I need to solve the mystery of how to win your heart.

  2. 2. Have you heard about the curious case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Well, long story short, they would both like to go on a date with you.

  3. 3. Want to come back to my place to see my huge Phillip K. Dick collection?

  4. 4. Let me show you the difference between "lay" and "laid".

  5. 5. I wish I was a pronoun so I could be the direct object of your affection!

  6. 6. After you read Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, I'm the only thing you won't be disgusted by.

  7. 7. You're so sexy, I'd even let you fold my pages dog-eared style.

  8. 8. I'm working on a story. Maybe you can help me with the climax.

  9. 9. I like to flip through your pages.

  10. 10. Are you French relative pronouns bc I've been staring at you all day.

  11. 11. And his kissing is as full of sanctity as the touch of holy bread.

  12. 12. You are the object of my preposition.

  13. 13. If you were a verb, I'd be I-N-G so I could get behind you and make action happen.

  14. 14. With conjunctions, you and I can be together.

  15. 15. I'm just a verb in search of my subject. Without you, I'm a dangling participle.

  16. 16. Is that a semicolon, or are you just happy to see me?

  17. 17. Your hair blows in the wind like the ruffling pages of an old book lying on a bed facing an open window.

  18. 18. Hi. My name is Gregor Samsa. Woke up this morning and I was an insect! Weird, right!? You want a coffee?

  19. 19. Let me seduce you with my encyclopedic knowledge about Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

  20. 20. Hey girl, I don't need a best seller list to tell me you're number one.

  21. 21. You know the website Bookslut? It was named after me.

  22. 22. Share my quatrain

  23. 23. If you were an articlie more than 200 words long, I would still read you.

  24. 24. Girl, you make my d become a D.

  25. 25. Naked Lunch, anyone?

  26. 26. Good thing I brought my libary card, Cause I'm checking you out!

  27. 27. Looking at you is like opening my favorite book.

  28. 28. Call me William S. Burroughs, because I want to Naked Lunch with you.

  29. 29. I know how to read and everything.

  30. 30. Hey girl... I know you're not a book, but I'm still checking you out.

  31. 31. O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

  32. 32. If you were a book I'd shelve you in the Ls for love.

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