talk pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Line: Want to sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up? Comeback: Well that’ll be a short conversation.

  2. 2. Man: What would you say if I asked you to marry me? Woman: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time!

  3. 3. I'm Aquaman and I know how to talk to tuna.

  4. 4. We’ll talk about the first thing that pops up

  5. 5. Do Moonie couples also talk like that?

  6. 6. No, I'm serious. I mean, talk about 'hot deals'...

  7. 7. Nice dress, can I talk you out of it?

  8. 8. Wanna use their money to buy drinks?

  9. 9. Here is R100. Drink until I am really good looking, then come to talk to me.

  10. 10. Spitzenkandidaten!

  11. 11. Yeah this is me. Tries to make small talk, ends up explaining gender studies.

  12. 12. I want to find out if you talk in your sleep.

  13. 13. Before I talk to you because my mom always told me to focus on my future.

  14. 14. Hey girl you wanna go to hot topic and talk about how much i hate my mom.

  15. 15. Hey baby, wanna hear me talk at you for hours?

  16. 16. Me either. But since I got your attention do you have a moment to talk about our Lord n savior

  17. 17. I'd like to be everything you want. Hey girl, let me talk to you.

  18. 18. Violets are blue I liked talking to you. Should I book a table for 2?

  19. 19. Because I have a lot of problems and I just need someone to talk to...

  20. 20. Woman: I have a boyfriend. Man: I had cereal for breakfast this morning. Woman: What? Man: Oh, I thought we were talking about things that don't matter.

  21. 21. I know when you've been bad or good so let's skip the small talk, sister!

  22. 22. And we'll talk about the first thing that pops up.

  23. 23. Bet they haven't seen me talking to you.

  24. 24. Babe! It might just be the Milk of the Poppy talking but damn, woman, you’re fine!

  25. 25. If I said you had a good body would you let me stand next to you and talk to your' owner?

  26. 26. Do you wanna go some place quiet, so we can talk? I'm a very taco-tive person.

  27. 27. Let's talk dirty: Euro bonds!

  28. 28. Its powerful and godly, but I’m not talking about Mjolnir.

  29. 29. How bout you and me go talk about the birds and the bees.

  30. 30. I'm sorry, were you talking to me? [No] Well then, please start.

  31. 31. Would you like to come to our delegation room and talk more about EU enlargement?

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