dr seuss pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. I’ve danced with Thing 1, and held hands with Thing 2. But not a creature in Whoville compares to you.

  2. 2. Because green eggs and damnnnnn

  3. 3. Because green eggs and DAMN!!!

  4. 4. I do not like my wife, you see. I do not like her, no sirree. Her looks accuse, her words disparage, And so we have this open marriage.

  5. 5. I am Sam. Sam I am. Would you, could you, like to date? Would you, could you, like to mate?"

  6. 6. Hey, sleep with me. I am not scary. I'm really rich. I'm Drew Carey.

  7. 7. Would you like to see my house? Would you like to unbutton my blouse? Would you like to grazzle my flam? And in the morning, green eggs and ham!

  8. 8. Would you like to stop right here? Would you like to get a beer? Would you like to pay the tab? Would you like to grab a cab?

  9. 9. Your eyes are like wumbus, Your hair is like jertain. Your zumers look murky-mooshy, But I’d like to be certain.

  10. 10. Hi there girl, you look so great, Would you kindly be my date? Get to know me, I'm a perfect man Now would you? Could you? Get in the van?

  11. 11. My tricks are not bad. Why, we can have lots of good fun if you wish! Here’s a fun little game called, Drink, drink, drink like a fish!

  12. 12. Could you do it end to end? Could you do it nude with me? Could you do it while I see? Hee hee hee..

  13. 13. I'll do it with you in a car I'll do it with you in a bar I'll do it with you in my bed I'll do it with you on a sled

  14. 14. I hate this place - the crowd's so phony! Say, care to ride me like a pony?

  15. 15. I may not like Green ham or eggs, but I sure love your long, thin legs.

  16. 16. I said what I meant, I meant what I said, I’m hung like an elephant, Just bring me to bed.

  17. 17. In all of Hooterville, where there's Hooters supreme, yours are the best of the Hooters I've seen!

  18. 18. Is that a Cat in your Hat or are you just happy to see me?

  19. 19. Marvin K. Mooney, will you please come now?!?

  20. 20. My heart ain't the only thing two sizes too large, if you know what I mean.

  21. 21. Of all the beaches and all the bars, We’ve met here — two Sneetches — with stars upon thars.

  22. 22. On a boat, in a car, with your toes all curled - Oh, the places we'll go when I rock your world!

  23. 23. One fish, Two fish My place, Your place?

  24. 24. Sally from Whoville, what's your sign? Let's blow this joint -- your thneed or mine?

  25. 25. That's not the only place this Sneetch has a star, Baby.

  26. 26. Wanna see my cat inna hat?

  27. 27. With a figglefluff there, in the tall greenest grass. I couldn't help notice your magnificent ass.

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