king pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Nice f**king weather. Want to?

  2. 2. Was your dad king? He must have been to make a princess like you.

  3. 3. Have you ever seen lion king? I'm that guy.

  4. 4. And when you smile the world is brighter, you touch my hand and I'm a king. Your kiss to me is worth a fortune, your love for me is everything.

  5. 5. Just like at Burger King, You’re the boss.

  6. 6. I can be the king of your burger.

  7. 7. Because you thick as hell and scare the shit out of me

  8. 8. If I were a king, I would have introduced coins minted with your photo in my kingdom...

  9. 9. Because he never met you.

  10. 10. If I were the king, and you were the queen, in the cosmic game of chess, would you mate with me?

  11. 11. Hey, girl, you look like a king cake. Let me put a baby in you.

  12. 12. Gurlllll, I wanna put my Barbarian King in your Clan Castle.

  13. 13. Cash is King.

  14. 14. Let’s role play! You can be McDonalds and I’ll be Burger King! I’ll be having it my way and you’ll be loving it!

  15. 15. Should open up a Vietnamese restaurant. Let’s call it Pho King.

  16. 16. You are the Archer Queen to my Barbarian King.

  17. 17. Do you work at Burger King? Because you’re giving it to me the way I like it!

  18. 18. Because I can't stop fin-king about you.

  19. 19. As King Geoffrey saig: ‘hey gurl, I’d like to see your head on my pike’.

  20. 20. But I could be the king of your heart

  21. 21. That I would stick my dick so far up your ass, whoever would pull it out would be crowned King Arthur.

  22. 22. Because a king is a ruler and a ruler is 12 inches

  23. 23. All I have is a King-Size Almond Joy. Not sure if you can take it all...

  24. 24. U wanna be my snow blower?

  25. 25. Was your dad king for a day? He must have been to make a princess like you.

  26. 26. Cause I wanna bury my sword so deep in you whoever pulls it out will be crowned king arthur

  27. 27. Cuz I won’t stop coming.

  28. 28. Someone really used this on me

  29. 29. I feel like Burger King, you can have McDonald’s. I’m gonna have it my way and you’ll be *bah du bah ba bah* Lovin’ It.

  30. 30. Because when you pull your sword out I sure do cum a lot

  31. 31. A Vietnamese restaurant. Together, we’re going to start pho king.

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