virus pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. No need for a condom, I have an anti-virus installed.

  2. 2. Want to enjoy my laptop, I promise that I have no virus...

  3. 3. But I’m just here catching feelings for you

  4. 4. Cause I want you to go down

  5. 5. 19 and easily spread.

  6. 6. Cause i can't stop looking atchoo

  7. 7. Cause I don't have you

  8. 8. May I?

  9. 9. Because youre breathtaking

  10. 10. I don't want the virus to spread.

  11. 11. Are you the Croatoan virus? Because baby I’m going crazy for you.

  12. 12. You wanna be my face mask?

  13. 13. On my lap. Turned on. Virus free.

  14. 14. I have just done a full system scan and there are definately no viruses.

  15. 15. Cause you infected my heart.

  16. 16. Hook up with me, and you’ll just get hepatitis

  17. 17. Girl, I need to upload a virus to your alien mothership!

  18. 18. Allow me to shoot my shot instead

  19. 19. Hey girl, are you the influenza virus? Because you make me want stay in bed all day and sweat a lot.

  20. 20. If it means anything, my mind has no religious viruses.

  21. 21. U and I

  22. 22. I thought I was immuned to love but when u passed by and caught my eyes, I can feel ur virus taking control of me.

  23. 23. Cus I want you to stay as far away from me as possible

  24. 24. Uninhibited virus seeks reason to make me shed my coat protein.

  25. 25. Cos I'm always down for a little head, baby

  26. 26. It’s called feelings, and I think you made me catch it...

  27. 27. Virus free and turned on

  28. 28. But I can give you another virus.

  29. 29. Do you have the L-Virus? ‘Cause when I saw you I fell in love.

  30. 30. Because I can’t wait to have you and bring you home to my parents

  31. 31. I wouldn't mind getting it

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