thor pick up lines for you to try

  1. 1. Are you Thursday? Because I am love-stroke by your thunder. (Thor)

  2. 2. Girl, you deserve a throne. In the shape of my face. (Thor)

  3. 3. I may be a god, but you're a full-on goddess. (Thor)

  4. 4. Did it hurt? When you fell out of Asgard? Cause you're a goddess! (Thor)

  5. 5. Ironman is red. Thor's hair is gold. Get on your knees and do as you're told.

  6. 6. They say Thor is the only one who can wield his hammer, well you are the only one who can have my heart.

  7. 7. Girl, u wanna go to my place and see my Thor's Hammer?

  8. 8. Don't believe in a Thor-sized hammer? Take a look at this...

  9. 9. Because you are worthy of raising up my hammer.

  10. 10. I'll bang you so hard with my mighty Mjolnir, you'll be Thor in the morning.

  11. 11. Did you know lightning is 5000 times hotter than the sun? (Thor)

  12. 12. I'm a Thor on the streets and a Loki in the sheets.

  13. 13. I'm the best swinger in town! (Thor)

  14. 14. Let’s go for head

  15. 15. They don't call me the Mighty Thor for no reason.

  16. 16. I don't need to summon thunder to light you up! (Thor)

  17. 17. Let me protecc that booty

  18. 18. Cause you've got a Hela of a body

  19. 19. I'm gonna do you so hard you'll be Thor the next day.

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